I was talking about party favors with another mom and DH. Personally, I get so tired of some of the plastic junk that follows the kids home from parties. Most of it ends up in the trash. That's why this year I was leaning towards something like a Dairy Queen GC (small denomination) that the kid could go get an ice cream cone and call it a day.
Sooooo, WWYD?
1) Bag o' plastic crap: DH is right about one thing -- the kids do love this. They love pawing through it, wearing the items for all of 2 seconds and discarding it. I could start picking up stuff at the dollar bins or look at OTC.
2) DQ or frozen yogurt place GC: small denomination but enough to get an ice cream cone or sundae. Could also do to somewhere like Chik-Fil-A or Wendy's for a milkshake/Frosty.
3) Barnes & Noble GC: another mom does this on the preschool board. I like this but both the other mom and DH think this will be underwhelming to the kids.
4) Nothing Bundt Cakes mini bundt cakes: did this last year and I do think the parents were more excited about it than the kids.
5) Books: Just skip the GC part, buy some cheaper books like Little Critter paperbacks and each child can pick one.
6) Combo: DH suggested getting a single piece of plastic crap and offering a DQ GC with it.